Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Playing in the Leaves!

A while ago Mylee and I were grocery shopping and she saw a rake....needless to say we couldn't leave the grocery store without it! Since we don't have trees we have taken her rake to both grandparent's houses so she can "rake" and play in the leaves. As you can see, we had a pretty good time!

Pumpkin Land!!

Can you believe it! I'm actually posting something! Our family loves Pumpkin land! We have gone every year since Mylee was born. This year was so much fun :) The weather was beautiful, and Mylee and Kal thought it was pretty neat! We started a new tradition this year, that I'm pretty excited about continuing.....going to crispy cream after pumpkin land to get some yummy Halloween donuts! I love this time of year!

Friday, September 2, 2011

New Family Pictures

My Sister Megan came to visit in for the 24th of July, and she took these pics for us! It is so much harder with two kids than it is with one!! The odds are, one of them will not be looking, or crying in every other picture! But I think these turned out awesome! Thanks Megan!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Kallin Alexander York

Kallin is getting so big!! He is the sweetest baby I have ever met. I have not gottan any pro. pics taken of him done yet, so my front room photo shoot is as good as it gets! The pics don't give him justice, he is seriously so stinking cute!!

Pretty sure I have the Sweetest Kids ever!

Monday, January 3, 2011

My big boy!!

I just wanted to add a few more pics of my sweet little boy!! I can't believe he is already over a month old!!